Puppy Socialization
Puppies are the most open to accepting new experiences between 6 and 18 weeks of age, so it is crucial to have them safely exposed to new people, environments, and sensations in that period of time. Socialization should always be a positive experience. If your puppy is too scared they will learn to fear the new stimulus rather than get used to it. Start farther away and reassure your puppy with cuddles and treats, moving closer only if they are calm.
Because they aren’t fully protected until they have received their second set of shots at twelve weeks, do not go into dog-heavy areas such as pet stores or dog parks, and only meet other dogs who you know are vaccinated and safe.
Puppy's Rule of Twelve
Socialization is a crucial part of a puppy's development and will give your puppy the best chance at being a confident, well-adjusted adult. A puppy is most willing to try new things before twelve to sixteen weeks of age so it is important to get them out there right away to experience the world!
This checklist shows twelve things (with twelve examples) that your puppy should experience before they are twelve weeks old. Note that every situation must be a positive one! If your puppy is not enjoying the experience never force it or it can be detrimental to their development. Treats and reassurance can help if your puppy is frightened but if that isn't enough you can increase the distance between your puppy and the stimulus or remove them completely.
Keep in mind that the examples listed are only suggestions! Any new and different experiences your puppy can have in a positive way are good for them.
Before a Puppy is 12 Weeks Old They Should Have...
Experienced 12 Different Surfaces
Metal Grate
Elevated (table, counter, etc.)
Uneven ground
Experienced 12 Different Locations
your yard
other people's homes
vet clinic (not for an appointment)
groomer (only to greet, not groomed)
lake / pond / river
dog-friendly store
pet store (after second set of shots)
children's playground
Played with 12 Different Objects
soft toys
hard toys
noisy toys
tug toys
paper / cardboard
empty milk jug
chew toys (bully stick, pig ear, etc.)
rope toy
crinkle toy
treat dispensing toy
puzzle toys
Met 12 Different People (Outside Family)
adult men
adult women
elderly people
people in wheelchairs
people with crutches / canes
people with beards
people with a hat / sunglasses
people in costume
Exposed to 12 Different Noises
noisy children
baby crying
big truck / bus
washer / dryer
clapping / cheering
pots / pans clanging
car door slamming
Exposed to 12 Moving Objects (No Chasing!)
car / truck
RC car
children running
cats running
roller skates
birds / critters
Handled By Family 12 Times Per Week
hold under arm
pick up
hold to chest
hold in between legs
look in ears
handle paws
hold like a baby
look in mouth
hold on floor
carry while walking
handle tail
trim nails (if comfortable)
Eaten From 12 Different Containers
plastic bowl
metal bowl
coffee cup
KONG toy
uneven surface
puzzle toy
from a spoon
ceramic plate
pie plate
casserole dish
owner's hand
frying pan
Eaten in 12 Different Locations
back yard
front yard
crate / kennel
laundry room
friend's house
under a chair
on a table / counter (supervised)
Played With Many Puppies and Safe Dogs
vaccinated, well-behaved dogs of appropriate size and age
remove puppy from the situation if either dog gets too rough or overstimulated
Left Safely Alone 12 Times Per Week for 5-45 Minutes
start small and gradually increase time alone
Experienced Wearing a Leash and Collar 12 Different Times in 12 Different Locations
​remember to increase distance or remove from distractions / stimuli as necessary to ensure positive experiences only
Fear Periods
It is very normal for puppies to go through various fear periods as they age. This can mean they are overly cautious of things that they wouldn't have been scared of before, more sensitive to noises, or slightly reactive to new people or dogs. These periods will pass but you need to be mindful not to introduce too many new things and keep any experience super positive so your puppy's socialization won't regress. Your puppy may experience one or more fear periods up until a year of age when they generally subside.